Tag: Arkansas

Matthew Pitt

2023 Writer-in-Residence Announced

The museum announced its 2023 Writer-in-Residence this week, Matthew Pitt of Fort Worth, Texas. The residency is made possible by an underwriting sponsorship by Piggott State Bank.

Raised in St. Louis, Pitt previously worked in Los Angeles on a sitcom, New York City as an editor, and Massachusetts as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. These days, he operates as an Associate Professor of Creative Writing at TCU, in Ft. Worth. He also serves as Editor of the literary journal descant, and Contributing Editor for West Branch.

While Writer-in-Residence, Matt will complete edits on The Be-Everything! Brothers, a novella due out at the end of 2023. He is the author of two prior short fiction collections: These Are Our Demands, a Midwest Book Award winner; and Attention Please Now, winner of the Autumn House Prize and a Writers’ League of Texas Book Award finalist. Individual stories have appeared in dozens of magazines, journals, and anthologies, including Oxford American, The Southern Review, Cincinnati Review, Conjunctions, Colorado Review, Southern Humanities Review, Epoch and Best New American Voices. His work has been cited in “Best of” annual anthologies, and won honors and awards from The New York Times, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Mississippi Arts Commission, Bronx Arts Council, Inkwell, Missouri Review, Salem College Center for Women Writers, and Bread Loaf, Sewanee and Taos Writers’ Conferences.

Matt will also work on a new novel, and his next collection, Unusual Poisons. National Book Award finalist Brandon Hobson recently selected this work-in-progress for a 2023-24 Everett Southwest Literary Award. One story was honored by The Saturday Evening Post. Another was winner of the Crab Orchard Review Grand Prize in Fiction, while a third received the William Faulkner Society Short Story Award, judged by author John Biguenet. Other stories in the collection have appeared in Blackbird, BOMB, Story, and an issue of Michigan Quarterly Review themed around Persecution, guest edited by Reginald Dwayne Betts. The residency will allow Pitt the opportunity to live and work in the community of Piggott for a month, sharing his knowledge and experience with local writers and working on his own writings.  A more detailed schedule of the residency will be available later in the year.

Sixth Annual Short Fiction Contest Announced

Kate Osana Simonian

The Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum and Educational Center will sponsor its Sixth Annual Short Story Contest.  This is a state-wide competition open to all undergraduate students currently enrolled in an Arkansas college or university, regardless of major.  The only stipulations are that the submitted material must be an unpublished fictional short story on any subject matter no more than 5000 words in length.  All submissions are due to the Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum no later than April 5, 2019.  Winners will be notified by May 3.  They will receive a free spot in this June’s Writers’ Retreat and will be invited to give a public reading at the museum.

This year’s contest will be judged by Kate Osana Simonian.  Kate is an Armenian-Australian novelist, essayist, and short story writer. She hails from Sydney, but is completing her English PhD at Texas Tech, where she is a Presidential Fellow. Her work has been published by, or is forthcoming in, The Iowa Review, The Michigan Quarterly, Ninth Letter, Shenandoah, The Chicago Tribune, and The Best Australian Stories. In 2017, she won the Nelson Algren Award, and her honors include a Tenneessee Williams scholarship to the Sewanee Writer’s Conference, and a position as the inaugural Writer-in-Residence at the Hemingway-Pfeiffer museum in Arkansas. Kate is an assistant editor for Iron Horse and fiction editor for Vanguard: Graduate Creative Exercises for the Classroom (TTU Press 2019). Ask about her novel-in-stories, Australialand, or check her out at katesimonian.com

Past winners of the contest include Anushah Jiwani of Hendrix College, Mike Smith of Lyon College, Justin Lee Hunsperger of the University of Central Arkansas, Emily Hill of Hendrix College, and Rebecca Prather of Arkansas State University.