
Paul Pfeiffer-Mary Downey Marriage
Paul M. Pfeiffer of Cedar Falls, Iowa, marries Mary Alice Downey of Parkersburg, Iowa.Read more

Birth of Pauline Marie Pfeiffer
Pauline born to Paul and Mary Pfeiffer on July 22, 1895 in Parkersburg, Iowa.Read more

Birth of Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Miller Hemingway born on July 21, 1899 in Oak Park, Illinois to Dr. C. E. and Grace Hall Hemingway.Read more

Birth of Karl Gustavus Pfeiffer
Karl Gustavus born to Paul and Mary Pfeiffer on March 8, 1900 in Parkersburg, Iowa.Read more

Pfeiffer Chemical Company
Paul M. Pfeiffer family moves to St. Louis in 1901 to establish a pharmaceutical company with brothers Henry and Gus.Read more

Piggott Property Purchase
Paul M. Pfeiffer, while residing in St. Louis, purchases first piece of property in Piggott, Arkansas.Read more

Birth of Virginia Ruth Pfeiffer
Daughter of Paul and Mary Pfeiffer, Virginia later is told by a medium that she was born with an old soul that would not be used again.Read more

Birth of Paul Mark Pfeiffer
Paul Mark "Max" born to Paul and Mary Pfeiffer on October 19, 1907 in St. Louis.Read more

Pfeiffers Merge Company
Pfeiffer Pharmaceuticals merges with William R. Warner. Paul Pfeiffer's brothers, Henry and Gustavus, relocate to Philadelphia.Read more

Additional Arkansas Property Purchases
Paul Pfeiffer continues investing in Clay County while Piggott is still a fledgling community.Read more

Pauline Graduates High School
Pauline graduates on May 21, 1913 from the Academy of the Visitation in St. Louis, Missouri.Read more

Move to Piggott
Paul Pfeiffer purchases home in Piggott, Arkansas, built by William D. Templeton in 1910, at 1021 W. Cherry Street.Read more

Richard Hudnut Company Acquired
Henry and Gustavus Pfeiffer acquire Richard Hudnut company, headquartered in New York, and transfer William R. Warner offices to New York.Read more

Pauline Graduates College
Pauline graduates from the University of Missouri School of Journalism in August 1918.Read more

Cleveland Press
Pauline goes to work on night desk of Cleveland Press in Ohio in the fall of 1918.Read more

Death of Paul Mark Pfeiffer
Paul and Mary Pfeiffer's son Max dies during the influenza epidemic.Read more

New York Career
Pauline goes to work in New York, chaperoned by Gustavus (Uncle Gus) Pfeiffer, working first for the Morning Telegraph, then Vanity Fair and Vogue as a fashion reporter.Read more

Hemingway and Richardson Marry
Ernest and Hadley Richardson marry in Horton Bay, Michigan, and spend their honeymoon at the Hemingway family summer cottage. on Walloon Lake.Read more

Karl Pfeiffer Marries
Karl Pfeiffer marries Matilda Schmitt in New Jersey on December 9, 1922.Read more

Birth of John Hemingway
John Hadley Nicanor Hemingway born on October 10, 1923. Hadley nicknames the infant "Bumby."Read more

Vogue Magazine
Pauline goes to Europe in 1925 to work for Vogue as assistant to the Paris editor.Read more

Pauline Meets Ernest and Hadley
Pauline and her sister Virginia meet Ernest and Hadley Hemingway at a party in Paris given by Kitty Cannell and Harold Loeb.Read more

In Our Time Published
In Our Time published in October 1925 in New York by Boni & Liveright.Read more

Christmas 1925 in Schruns
Pauline spends Christmas and New Years in Schruns, Austria, with Ernest and Hadley.Read more

Pauline Returns from Holiday
Pauline returns to Paris on January 14, 1926.Read more

Ernest Visits Pauline
Ernest visits Pauline in Paris (on return from New York meeting to switch publishers) before rejoining Hadley in Schruns.Read more

Ernest and Hadley Return to Paris
Ernest and Hadley return to Paris on April 1, 1926.Read more

Loire Valley Vacation
Pauline and Virginia Pfeiffer and Hadley Hemingway take vacation through the French Loire Valley in Virginia's car.Read more

Juan-les-Pins, France, Vacation
Hadley takes their ailing son, John (Bumby), to Juan-les-Pins, while Ernest is writing in Madrid.Read more

Torrents of Spring Published
The Torrents of Spring published in May 1926 in New York by Charles Scribner's Sons.Read more

Pamplona, Spain
Pauline accompanies Ernest, Hadley and others to the fiesta at Pamplona in Spain.Read more

Ernest and Hadley Separate
Ernest and Hadley take up separate residences in Paris in August 1926.Read more

100-day Separation
Pauline leaves for Piggott, Arkansas, on September 24, 1926 to begin trial separation required by Hadley as condition of divorce.Read more

The Sun Also Rises Published
The Sun Also Rises published in October 1926 in New York by Charles Scribner's Sons.Read more

Hadley Cancels Divorce Conditions
Hadley cancels 100-day separation condition.Read more

Ernest Files for Divorce
Ernest files for divorce from Hadley, three weeks after she cancels her 100-day separation conditions.Read more

Pauline Returns to Europe
Pauline sails from New York for Europe.Read more

Ernest and Hadley's Divorce Final
Ernest's divorce from Hadley finalized April 14, 1927.Read more

Ernest and Pauline Marry
Ernest and Pauline marry in Paris, France on May 10, 1927.Read more

Men Without Women Published
Men Without Women published in October 1927 in New York by Charles Scribner's Sons.Read more

Hemingways Travel to United States
Hemingways sail for Key West, Florida, by way of Havana, Cuba.Read more

Return to Europe
Ernest, Pauline, Bumby, Patrick and Hemingway’s sister Sunny depart Havana, Cuba for Europe.Read more

Paul Pfeiffer Travels to Key West
Paul Pfeiffer arrives in Key West to meet his new son-in-law.Read more

Ernest's First Visit to Piggott
Ernest and his father-in-law arrive in Piggott after leaving Key West on May 25 in the Hemingways' new car purchased by Uncle Gus.Read more

Otto (Toby) Bruce
Ernest Hemingway meets Otto (Toby) Bruce of Piggott, who becomes a lifelong assistant and friend.Read more

Birth of Patrick Hemingway
Patrick Hemingway born by Cesarean section in a Kansas City, Missouri, hospital.Read more

Return to Piggott
Hemingways return from Kansas City, Missouri, to Piggott, Arkansas, by train arriving July 23.Read more

Ernest Departs Piggott
Ernest departs Piggott for Kansas City and Wyoming. Ernest has completed 486 pages of A Farewell to Arms.Read more

Baptism of Patrick Hemingway
Patrick Hemingway baptized in Piggott, Arkansas by priest from Paragould in the morning; Pauline departs Piggott in afternoon to join Ernest, leaving Patrick with mother and sister.Read more

A Farewell to Arms Draft Completed
Ernest completes first draft of A Farewell to Arms.Read more

Hemingways Return to Piggott
The Hemingways return to Piggott, Arkansas. Ernest works on "Wine of Wyoming."Read more

Ernest Goes to Oak Park, Illinois
Ernest arrives in Oak Park to visit family. Pauline remains in Piggott, Arkansas with son Patrick, but joins him later.Read more

Virginia Undergoes Tonsillectomy
Pauline accompanies sister Virginia to Jonesboro, Arkansas to have her tonsils removed at St. Bernards Hospital.Read more

Travel to East Coast
Hemingways visit friends on East Coast from November 1-17, 1928, including attending a Princeton-Yale football game with F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald.Read more

Return to Piggott
Hemingways depart for Piggott, Arkansas to pick up Patrick.Read more

Travel to Key West, Florida
Hemingways leave Piggott, Arkansas, by car for Key West, Florida.Read more

Bumby Hemingway
Hemingway departs for New York to pick up Bumby for an extended visit.Read more

Death of Clarence Hemingway
En route back to Key West with Bumby, Hemingway learns that his father has committed suicide in Oak Park, Illinois.Read more

A Farewell to Arms Revisions Complete
Hemingway completes revisions to A Farewell to Arms.Read more

A Farewell to Arms Published
A Farewell to Arms published in September 1929 in New York by Charles Scribner's Sons.Read more

Pfeiffer Family Reunion
Pfeiffer family reunion in Piggott, Arkansas.Read more

Stock Market Crash
Stock Market Crash in New York.Read more

Uncle Gus Pfeiffer in Europe
Uncle Gus Pfeiffer visits Ernest, Pauline and Patrick Hemingway and Virginia Pfeiffer in Paris, France.Read more

Return to United States
Hemingways sail for United States, arriving in Key West on February 2.Read more

Piggott State Bank
Paul Pfeiffer establishes Piggott State Bank.Read more

Pauline and Patrick Travel to Piggott
Pauline, Patrick and nurse leave for Piggott, Arkansas.Read more

Ernest Travels to New York
Hemingway meets Bumby and Virginia, arriving from Europe, to bring them to Piggott.Read more

Wyoming Trip
Hemingways in Wyoming with Bumby. Patrick remains in Piggott with grandparents.Read more

Hemingway Injured
Hemingway injured in auto wreck near Billings, Montana.Read more

Recuperation in Piggott
Hemingway released from hospital and leaves with Pauline for Piggott for Christmas.Read more

Return to Key West
Hemingways return to Key West.Read more

Fishing in the Tortugas
Uncle Gus Pfeiffer embarks on a 13-day fishing trip with Hemingway, Archibald MacLeish, Henry Strater and Charles Thompson in the Tortugas.Read more

Purchase of Home in Key West
Uncle Gus Pfeiffer purchases house for Hemingways in Key West.Read more

Travel to Europe
Hemingway leaves for Europe. Pauline, Patrick, and nurse follow on May 16Read more

Return to United States
Hemingways sail for New York, then on to Kansas City, for birth of second child. Patrick sent to Piggott, Arkansas.Read more

Birth of Gregory Hemingway
Gregory Hemingway born by Cesarean section in Kansas City.Read more

Return to Key West
Hemingways arrive back in Key West after stopping in Piggott to pick up Patrick who stayed with his grandparents during his brother's birth in Kansas City.Read more

Renovation of Barn Studio
Virginia completes renovation of Ernest's Barn Studio in Piggott.Read more

Pauline Meets Sons in Piggott
Pauline joins her sons in Piggott via train.Read more

Ernest Departs for Piggott
Hemingway departs for Piggott via car with his sister Carol.Read more

Nordquist Ranch
Ernest and Pauline arrive at Nordquist Ranch.Read more

Pauline Returns to Florida
Pauline heads back to Key West.Read more

Death in the Afternoon Published
Death in the Afternoon published in September 1932 in New York by Charles Scribner's Sons.Read more

Return to Key West
Ernest departs Wyoming for Key West. Pauline has returned to Key West, but children remain in Piggott.Read more

Illness in Piggott
Pauline returns to Piggott after children become ill.Read more

Ernest Joins Family in Piggott
Ernest leaves to join family in Piggott and spends Thanksgiving through Christmas.Read more

Barn Studio Burns
Piggott Barn Studio catches fire. Hemingway manuscripts saved but he loses books, clothing and guns.Read more

A Farewell to Arms Premieres
Movie version of A Farewell to Arms premieres in Piggott.Read more

Return to Key West
Hemingways return to Key West.Read more

Marlin Fishing in Cuba
Hemingway goes to Cuba for marlin fishing with Pauline''s brother, Karl, and her uncle, Gus Pfeiffer.Read more

Karl and Matilda Pfeiffer Move In
Karl and Matilda move into completed English Tudor home north of Pfeiffer family home. Matilda designed the home and supervised its construction.Read more

Sailing to Europe
Ernest, Pauline, Bumby and Patrick Hemingway, along with Virginia Pfeiffer sail from Havana for Europe. Gregory stays behind with nurse, Ada Stern.Read more

Winner Take Nothing Published
Winner Take Nothing published in October 1933 in New York by Charles Scribner''s Sons.Read more

Departure for Nairobi
Ernest, Pauline and Charles Thompson sail from Marseilles for African safari. Patrick returns home with his Aunt Virginia, meets Gregory and his nurse, and goes on to Piggott.Read more

African Safari Begins
Hemingway party departs Nairobi for two-month safari.Read more

Traveling to Key West
Hemingways sail for Key West, via New York, arriving home April 12.Read more

Pauline and Patrick in Piggott
Pauline and Patrick arrive in Piggott for a two-week visit with her parents.Read more

Christmas 1934
Hemingways arrive in Piggott for Christmas holidays.Read more

Hemingway takes The Pilar (his boat bearing Pauline''s nickname) to Bimini for tuna fishing, where Pauline and children join him later, along with Virginia Pfeiffer.Read more

Green Hills of Africa Published
Green Hills of Africa published in October 1935 in New York by Charles Scribner's Sons.Read more

Pauline in Piggott and Havana
Pauline spends a week in Piggott, then joins Ernest in Havana.Read more

Pauline and Gregory in Piggott
Pauline and Gregory arrive in Piggott for 10-day visit.Read more

Hemingways Travel to Bimini
Hemingways leave for Bimini, where they are joined by Pauline's sister, Virginia.Read more

Nordquist Ranch
Hemingways leave Key West for Piggott, then on to Nordquist ranch in Wyoming with children.Read more

Return to Key West
Hemingways depart for Key West, via Piggott.Read more

Martha Gellhorn
Hemingway meets Martha Gellhorn in Key West.Read more

War Correspondent
Hemingway sails for Europe to join Martha as a war correspondent.Read more

Return to New York
Hemingway departs Europe for New York, where he is met by Pauline.Read more

Summer in Bimini
Ernest and Pauline leave to spend summer in Bimini, interrupted by Ernest's frequent short trips to New York.Read more

White House
Ernest goes to the White House with Martha Gellhorn for a screening of The Spanish Earth.Read more

Ernest and Pauline travel to Hollywood to raise funds for Loyalist cause in Spain.Read more

Ernest Returns to Europe
Hemingway sails for Europe to rejoin Martha Gellhorn.Read more

Pauline and Sons in Mexico
Pauline and sons go to Mexico.Read more

To Have and Have Not Published
To Have and Have Not published in October 1937 in New York by Charles Scribner''s Sons.Read more

Pauline in Paris
Pauline meets Ernest in Paris.Read more

Hemingways Return from Europe
Hemingways sail from Europe for Nassau, Havana, and Key West.Read more

Ernest Returns to Europe
Hemingway returns to Europe.Read more

Hemingway Returns to Key West
Hemingway arrives in New York and departs for Key West, planning to take the family on vacation.Read more

Hemingways Leave for Ranch
Hemingways leave Key West for Nordquist ranch in Wyoming.Read more

Ernest in New York
Hemingway arrives in New York.Read more

Pauline and Sons in Piggott
Pauline and children in Piggott for 10 days.Read more

Pauline Rents New York Apartment
Pauline takes apartment in East Hamptons to avoid the Key West heat.Read more

The Fifth Column Published
The Fifth Column and the First 49 Stories published in October 1938 in New York by Charles Scribner's Sons.Read more

Ernest Meets Pauline in New York
Ernest returns from France; stays with Pauline at New York apartment.Read more

Family in Key West
Hemingways leave New York separately, eventually arriving in Key West to visit family.Read more

Ernest Returns to Havana
Hemingway returns to Havana, via the Pilar, where he rejoins Martha.Read more

Pauline Goes to Europe
Pauline departs for Europe while sons are in camp.Read more

Last Trip to Wyoming
Ernest meets his three sons in Wyoming and receives a call from Pauline that she is back from Europe and plans to join them. Pauline is ill during most of the visit.Read more

Ernest Heads to Sun Valley
Ernest and Pauline fight and Ernest goes to Sun Valley to meet Martha Gellhorn .Read more

Pauline and Boys Return to Key West
Toby Bruce arrives in Wyoming to take Pauline and the boys back to Key West.Read more

Ernest In Key West Alone
Hemingway does about-face and wants to spend holidays with Pauline and the boys. Leaves for Key West, but Pauline has taken boys to New York for the holidays.Read more

Ernest Returns to Havana
Hemingway leaves for Cuba via ferry.Read more

Pauline Rents in San Francisco
Pauline takes boys and rents apartment in San Francisco.Read more

For Whom the Bell Tolls Published
For Whom the Bell Tolls published in October 1940 in New York by Charles Scribner's Sons.Read more

Ernest and Pauline Divorce
Ernest and Pauline Hemingway divorce.Read more

Ernest Marries Martha Gellhorn
Ernest marries Martha Gellhorn.Read more

Death of Paul Pfeiffer
Paul Pfeiffer dies in Piggott.Read more

Ernest and Martha Gellhorn Divorce
Hemingway-Gellhorn divorce finalized.Read more

Ernest Marries Mary Welsh
Ernest marries Mary Welsh on March 13, 1946.Read more

Death of Mary Pfeiffer
Mary Pfeiffer dies in Piggott.Read more

Janes Purchase Pfeiffer Home
Pfeiffer home and barn studio purchased by Tom and Beatrice Janes.Read more

Across the River and Into the Trees Published
Across the River and Into the Trees published in September 1950 in New York by Charles Scribner's Sons.Read more

Death of Pauline Hemingway
Pauline dies after being rushed to a Los Angeles hospital by her sister Virginia.Read more

Old Man and the Sea Published
Old Man and the Sea published in September 1952 in New York by Charles Scribner's Sons.Read more

Ernest Hemingway Wins Nobel Prize
Ernest Hemingway wins the Nobel Prize for Literature.Read more

Death of Gus Pfeiffer
Uncle Gus Pfeiffer dies in New York.Read more

A Face in the Crowd
"A Face in the Crowd" filmed in Piggott at suggestion of Toby Bruce and premieres in 1957.Read more

Death of Ernest Hemingway
Ernest Hemingway takes his life in Ketchum, Idaho.Read more

A Moveable Feast Published
A Moveable Feast published posthumously in December 1964 in New York by Charles Scribner's Sons.Read more

Islands in the Stream Published
Islands in the Stream published in October 1970 in New York by Charles Scribner's Sons.Read more

The Nick Adams Stories Published
The Nick Adams Stories published in January 1972 in New York by Charles Scriber's Sons.Read more

Death of Virginia Pfeiffer
Virginia Pfeiffer dies at her home in Hollywood.Read more

Death of Tom Janes
Tom Janes dies.Read more

Death of Karl Pfeiffer
Karl Pfeiffer dies.Read more

National Historic Register Listing
Pfeiffer family home and barn-studio placed on National Historic Register.Read more

The Garden of Eden Published
The Garden of Eden published in January 1986 in New York by Charles Scribner's Sons.Read more

A-State Purchases Property
Arkansas State University purchases the Pfeiffer family home from Beatrice Janes and acquires the barn-studio from her son.Read more

True at First Light Published
True at First Light published in January 1999 in New York by Charles Scribner's Sons.Read more

Grand Opening
Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum and Educational Center has grand opening on July 4-5, 1999.Read more

Death of Beatrice Janes
Beatrice Janes dies.Read more

Death of Jack Hemingway
John Hadley Nicanor (Jack or Bumby) Hemingway, son of Ernest Hemingway and Hadley Richardson Hemingway, dies at age 77 in New York on December 2, 2000.Read more

Death of Gregory Hemingway
Gregory Hancock Hemingway, son of Ernest Hemingway and Pauline Pfeiffer Hemingway, dies in Miami.Read more

Death of Matilda Pfeiffer
Matilda Schmitt Pfeiffer, wife of Karl Pfeiffer, dies at her home in Piggott, Arkansas at the age of 97.Read more

A Moveable Feast-Restored Edition Published
New version published in July 2009 in New York by Charles Scribner's SonsRead more