2018 Writer-in-Residence Program Announced
We are pleased to announce our inaugural writer-in-residence position. The residency will be for the month of June 2018 and includes lodging at a beautiful loft apartment on the downtown square in Piggott over the City Market coffee shop. The writer-in-residence will also have the opportunity to work in the studio where Ernest Hemingway worked on A Farewell to Arms during an extended stay with his wife’s family in 1928. The residency includes a $1000 stipend to help cover food and transportation. Piggott State Bank is the underwriting sponsor of the residency.
The writer-in-residence will be expected to serve as mentor for a week-long retreat for writers at the educational center. This retreat will be held June 4-8 and will be open to 12-14 writers from the region. The recipient will be expected to hold one or two readings of his/her own work in the region. The remainder of the month will be free to the writer-in-residence to work on his/her own work.
Candidates with an MA or MFA in a relevant field are preferred. Please send a cover letter, CV, and writing sample to Dr. Adam Long at adamlong@astate.edu by Feb. 28, 2018. Questions can also be directed to Dr. Long.
The Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum and Educational Center, an Arkansas State University Heritage Site, contributes to the understanding of the regional, national and global history of the 1920s and 1930s eras by focusing on the internationally connected Pfeiffer family of Piggott, Arkansas, and their son-in-law and regular guest Ernest Hemingway. This includes drawing on Hemingway’s influence as a noted American author to foster interest in literature and the arts and promote excellence in both.