Restoration Funding
Initial funding for the restoration of the Hemingway-Pfeiffer Museum and Educational Center was provided by the following:
$200,000 challenge grant from Sherland and Barbara Hamilton of Rector, Arkansas, president and vice president, respectively, of Crockett Oil Company.
$775,000 in restoration grants from the Arkansas Natural and Cultural Resources Council (ANCRC)
$624,000 TEA-21 Scenic Byway Grant, Federal Highway Administration, for landscaping, paving and handicapped access.
$135,000 appropriation from the Arkansas Legislature for property purchase, and additional
$750,000 for start-up operations. (Special thanks to former State Representative Richard Simmons)
$85,000 commitment from Piggott citizens and friends to purchase school property across the street from the Hemingway-Pfeiffer project and make it available to Arkansas State University.
$1,950 from the National Trust for Historic Preservation, SW Regional Office, to assist with consultant for interior finishes.
Furnishings original to the Pfeiffer home courtesy of the Beatrice Janes family of Piggott, AR.
Other items original to the home or associated with the Pfeiffers donated by relatives and area residents.